NxCAP Consulting, LLC

Timothy D. Best, Co-Owner
Timothy “Tim” Best is one of the founders of NxCAP Consulting, LLC. He has over thirty five (35) years of experience at NASA and served in key leadership roles as the engineering and safety and mission assurance (SMA) subject matter expert and technical authority to oversee mission development.
Tim Best has near ten years of supervisory experience. As chief of a newly formed Flight System Assurance Office at NASA Glenn Research Center (Glenn), he led senior SMA managers to implement policies and requirements in critical space flight mission development efforts. Before the formation of this office, he was the chief of the Quality Engineering and Assurance Branch, responsible for assuring the health of the quality engineering and software assurance disciplines at Glenn. He personally served as the Glenn Materials and Processes authority.
Tim Best began his NASA career in 1985 at the former Lewis Research Center (currently Glenn) as a materials and processes engineer for the Shuttle Centaur Project. Throughout his career, he has held a significant number of technical leadership positions, as SMA manager or Chief SMA Officer for human space flight development, beginning with the Space Station Freedom Work Package 4 in 1989 to the Orion Service Module Project in 2007. He served as the SMA manager, providing technical oversight, in the construction of the Space Environment Test complex at Glenn, a facility for the test evaluation and verification of the Orion module.
Prior to NASA, Best was a metallurgical engineer with the U.S. Air Force at the Warner Robbins Air Logistics Center in Georgia. He provided failure investigations and first article analyses.
Tim Best brings to the Company a wealth of knowledge in management systems and governance, engineering and SMA policies and requirements, independent reviews and assessments, failure investigations, and evaluation and verification of aerospace propulsion and power systems.